Skin18 LomiLomi 7 Skin Scheduler Mask -Friday Acerola Recovery Mask Review


Hey all ,as you can tell by the title that i am gonna talk about another sheet mask today from the house of This is the last but definitely not the least sheet mask which i received in my package.So Father's day was around the corner and i thought of pampering my father,we gals pamper our mothers quite often but have you ever pampered your father,if yes tell me in the comment section below.

Most of the time my father is busy in his work ,he never gets time to take care of himself and we all know how fathers are,they don't like applying beauty products on their face at all,but this time things were little diffrent ,my father came home and he was looking very tired due to the work and he said yes right away,when i asked him that would he like to apply sheet mask on his face.

LomiLomi 7 Skin Scheduler Mask Review

About LomiLomi Mask 

This is one  of the mask from the set of  LomiLomi 7 Skin Scheduler Mask Pack-Friday (Acerola -Recovery Masks)

What is LomiLomi 7 skin scheduler Mask pack ? - 7 day intensive scheduler mask pack contains 7 pieces of masks with diffrent functions for skin renewal process.


[Good formula] Non Animal Material ,Non Paraben ,Non Mineral oil,Non GMO,Non Sulfate,Non Benzophenone,Non Pigments,Mask with non-woven fabric.
This is highly enriched product of aloe and skin activators,and nutritional contents on the sheet with excellent skin adhesion.It cares oil and moisture,blocks toxic substances to skin and makes moisturizing and elastic skin.

LomiLomi 7 Skin Scheduler Mask Review

How to use 
  1. After washing your face,calm your skin by using toner.
  2. In case of sensitive skin,test mask essence on a wrist before use.
  3. Gently put mask on face,and take it off after 15-30 minutes.Absorb the left essence by dabbing the skin.
  4. Refrigerated mask packs can cam sensitive and burned skin as well as gives cooling effect on the skin.
  5. Apply the remaining essence on the neck area or arms and legs.

LomiLomi 7 Skin Scheduler Mask Review


This is another mask which has most of the details written in Korean so i took this snapshot from website to show you guys the ingredients in this mask. 

Ingredients of LomiLomi Acerola Mask (snapshot from the website )

LomiLomi 7 Skin Scheduler Mask Review

My Experience 

The headline should be my father's experience,since my father used this mask not me,but i am gonna tell you how i felt after using the mask and what i feel about it.Once i opened the sachet i really liked the smell of the essence ,since it's a natural mask which contains fruit extract in it,i already knew that it would smell nice,and i was right ,the smell is very soothing and calming ,not at all strong or over powering.Another thing which i felt was that sheet in this mask is thinnest of all,it's was very thin and packed with lots of essence so i had to struggle to open it since i didn't want to tear it of.Once i opened it i placed it on my father's face with the help of the cutouts,another thing which is diffrent in this mask is that it doesn't have a full cutout of the eyes,there is a flap attached to the eye area and i am sure it's there to cover the eyes as well to relax the eyes unlike the other's i have tried in the past ,they had open space for the eyes.The mask adhered pretty well despite the fact that i have applied it on my father's face.It fits perfectly on the face and covers all the face area nicely.

I asked my father to wash his face,while i was trying to open up the mask,it took me some time to open up the mask since it was quite thin and packed with the essence,you need to open it carefully so take your time.Once i managed to open it i applied it on him.I asked him to lay down so i can work with it.I applied the mask and put the flap on the closed eyes so that it can help in relaxing the eyes as well,but you know how fathers are "very inpatient" ,he opened his eye in the middle and it stings very badly if the essence comes in contact with your eyes,so do not open the eyes if you have the eye flap on until and unless the essence on the mask is all dried,because it can hurt real bad,his eye was red and watery for some time,so avoid the eye area or take your time don't rush while you have it on.After 25 minutes i removed his mask and asked him to rinsed his face,as a result i could see the freshness on his face,his tired face was looking very refreshed,hydrated and relaxed.He really liked the all over pampering secession and how the mask felt apart from the one little mistake of opening the eyes.  

Price- $5.50 USD and currently it's on sale $3.50 USD,
Rs 370.83 and after discount Rs 235.98 For 36 ml 

  • This mask is animal ingredient free ,paraben free, mineral oil free,no pigment,no sulfate
  • Vegan friendly 
  • Affordable 
  • Mask fits pretty well
  • Skin feels refreshed and relaxed in just one use
  • Availability rejuvinating 
  • Mask sheet is little hard to open up ,can tear of easily
Overall i really liked this mask and i wanna try more from this range,it comes in a 7 days scheduler plan for Monday to Sunday,in this range you get Aloe,Cucumber,Pomegranate,Ginkgo,Grape,Jasmine and Acerola itself,would love to try other masks from this range as well.

That's about it ,see you in my next post :)

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